Data Ingestion, Acquisition & Warehousing

In the beginning, there is data—of all sorts. The last decade has seen a tremendous increase in data sources, along with an explosion in data variety and magnitude, posing new challenges for data storage, handling, and interpretation. However, the volume and influx of data are not the only challenges for data professionals. A major difficulty lies in analyzing data, which sometimes must be studied in real time despite coming from diverse sources in multiple forms and complex structures.

At RAZTECH, we have a team with expertise in various areas, including Business Analytics, Data ETL, and the management of Cloud-Based Analytics. Our team works in cohesion with our clients to identify data sources and acquire data from various data hubs, such as AWS and Azure, while maintaining data integrity through foolproof security protocols.

Risk Analysis & Forecasting Models

At RAZTECH, we incorporate modern actuarial approaches in our data analysis to give us a competitive edge over others. Identifying, calculating, and eliminating the risk in all aspects of data is what makes us stand out. We study and analyse data from all aspects throughout its life cycle hence, the insights and inferences derived are not only limited to basic facts and figures. Instead, statistical methods for risk modelling, analysis of various dynamic trends and patterns in data and time-series analysis reveal embedded information and a thorough understanding of the data at hand. Both instantaneous and continuous-time behaviours are acquired and predicted.

Machine Learning & Statistical Modeling

Nature is full of surprises but not entirely random; it follows patterns that can be understood, mathematically modelled and used to predict future events. At RAZTECH, we have mastered the art of seeing everything with a mathematical eye. We are experts in transforming data into the language of mathematics and letting it speak for itself. We dig deep down into the roots of data and identify its underlying stochastic behaviour by using statistical and non-statistical processes and latest Algorithms including Deep Learning. 

We employ modern analytical techniques along with machine learning to achieve the desired results. Actuaries, Data scientist, Data Analyst, Engineers bring their knowledge and minds together to achieve the best possible outcome. Our toolset is diverse and includes analytical techniques and knowledge such as fuzzy logics, genetic algorithms, neural networks, regression analysis and predictive modelling, cluster analysis and more.
Our research-based approach drives us to understand the problem at its core level and apply the right knowledge and technique to achieve successful outcomes and this is what makes us different from others.

Customized Corporate Training

RAZTECH is not an ordinary organisation, our vision and objectives are aligned. We believe in businesses flourishing in conjunction with human resources. That’s why we strongly believe in professional level training to encourage and enhance the  quality of analytical process and the analyst. Our customized corporate level courses are intensive and thoroughly based on hands-on practice that enable your professionals to hit the ground and running with the least possible delay. 


BI Analytics

Insightful and Customized Dashboards, Comprehensive Report generation, Statistical Data Modeling, Process Analysis and Data Mining for educated and insightful Decision Making.


Cloud Engineering and Data Migration

Data Warehousing, Data Governance, Scalability and Performance Optimization. Enabling Data Migration among Microsoft, Google and AWS platforms.


Cyber Security

Cyber risk assessment and management, Network & Infra structure security, Incident response and forensics.


HRIS and payroll implementation and reporting


Machine Learning & AI

Predictive Modeling for Insurance industry, Time Series Forecasting & Building Small Language Models for Business and Engineering applications.



Customized corporate level training in

a) Power BI

b) Cyber security awareness

c) HRIS & Payroll systems




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